Introduction from the CTO

Introduction from the CTO

Hello tech world,

The journey of Wio Bank since that inaugural commit to our repository three years ago has been nothing short of extraordinary. From early stages of brainstorming and coding, we've experienced exponential growth, both in our team's size and the impact of our work. Along the way, we’ve launched tens of groundbreaking projects, developed hundreds of services, and written millions of lines of code. Each line, each project, and each service has been a step towards innovation, driven by our commitment to excellence and our passion for technology.

As we mark this significant milestone, it's time for a moment of reflection. Now is the right time to look back at where we've been, to assess our successes and challenges, our wins, and the lessons we've learned along the way. But it's not just about reflecting; it's also about sharing—sharing the stories of our journey, the knowledge we've gained, and the insights we've collected with you, our valued tech community.

In this blog, we aim to give you a glimpse into our world. We'll dive into the technical depths of our projects, break down the complexities of our services, and discuss the principles guiding our coding practices. From detailed technical guides to insights on managing big projects, from stories of real-world software development challenges to forward-thinking views on where technology is heading, we're excited to welcome you into our space.

Join us as we start this new journey of sharing and learning. Your thoughts, feedback, and conversations will make our exploration richer, helping us all move forward together towards progress and innovation.

Looking forward to an engaging exchange of ideas and insights!

Catch you in the code!
Serge Terentyev
CTO @ Wio Bank